American biographical sports film based on the 1973 tennis match between world women's champion Billie Jean King (Emma Stone) and ex-champion, Bobby Riggs (Steve Carell). Billie submits to jeering from the chauvinistic Bobby to step up and play against him in a match where the winner will collect $100,000 and prove which gender is the stronger. Billie sets out to prove that women can perform as well as her male counterpart, and questions the gender pay gap in the sports industry.
On match day, who will win the game and come out on top?
Battle of the Sexes
Product Information
Battle of the Sexes | DVD
Certification: (15)
Release date: 26 Mar 2018
Genre: Drama
Studio: 20th Century Studios
Region: Region 2
Language: English
Run Time: 121 minutes
Number of discs: 1Watch Trailer