Directed by Hong Khaou (Lilting), MONSOON is a visual and emotional tour de force with a tender performance from Henry Golding (Crazy Rich Asians, The Gentlemen). The film is a rich and poignant exploration of the struggle for identity in a place where the past weighs heavily on the present.
Kit (Henry Golding, Crazy Rich Asians, The Gentlemen) returns to Ho Chi Minh City for the first time since he was six years old when his family fled the country in the aftermath of the Vietnam-American war. Struggling to make sense of himself in a city he’s no longer familiar with, he embarks on a personal journey across the country that opens up the possibility for friendship, love and happiness.
Product Information
Lola and the Sea | DVD
Certification: (12)
Release date: 2 Nov 2020
Genre: Drama
Studio: Saffron Hill Films
Region: Region 2
Language: English
Run Time: 85 minutes
Number of discs: 1Watch Trailer
Queer Representation
Queer Men